Sunday, September 26, 2010

Driven by Purpose

The class has been exploring what it means to be driven by purpose.  The boys and girls established that even at 10 or 11 years of age, they are able to make a difference.  They identified that their purpose is to:

1)  Rise up to be the next generation
2)  Be willing to learn
3)  Be wise consumers of the environment

As a class, we brainstormed ways that we could make a difference at ACES this year.  Students expressed interest in starting a Recycling Club, create a recycled goods art club, and do fundraising to purchase books for the library.  After further discussion, the entire class has decided to bring in gently used books with the idea of adding to classroom libraries in need. 

If you have gently used books that would be suitable for a grade 1-6 classroom, we would gladly accept your donation.  Students will be creating identification tags which will be placed on the inside of the books to indicate the name of the family who has made the donation.  We hope to encourage and inspire other students to think big and make a difference in their school as well. 

We are ready to move forward with our book drive immediately.  Students are encouraged to bring in their books by October 8th so that we can organize the material by reading level.

With your help, we look forward to making a difference!

PS.  Our class will also organize a Recycling Club.  Stay tuned for more news on our progress!